Our broadband calculator might not include every factor that matters to you. The trick is finding a plan that supplies the speeds you need without spending more than necessary.
The pricing can be confusing, but in general the faster the connection, the more you pay. ISPs generally offer several plans, each promising a different range of speeds. In practice, speeds vary depending on the source of the data and other factors. But note that the speeds it uses are estimates. The calculator above can help you estimate your bandwidth needs, based on how many different devices are in operation at any one time. However, you need as much as 25 Mbps to watch a 4K Netflix movie in HDR at its highest quality.īandwidth is closely related to speed it reflects the amount of speed available for you to use, because your whole household will share whatever internet speed you have. So if two TVs in your home are each streaming 4K movies, you need at least 50 Mbps of bandwidth. Because “bits” of data are very small, speed is usually measured in megabits, or millions of bits, per second (Mbps). Some superfast fiber services can send data at a gigabit per second (Gbps, or a billion bits per second).Īlmost any internet speed is fine for receiving a text-only email, and you may need only 1 Mbps to listen to a Spotify song.
The term refers to how fast data-say, a Netflix movie-travels into your home.